Monday, August 22, 2011

Christians : The Bible :: Politicians : Political Parties

Christians do not have to agree with everything in the Bible in order to be a good Christian, so why do democrats/republicans think they have to believe everything that their political party represents in order to be a good politician? Diversity is what contributes to a fair, effective situation. Without diversity there would be no arguments, and without arguments there would be no resolution! There has to be diversity within a group in order for an act to be successful. Just because you're a democrat does not mean you have to believe in everything that the democratic party stands for, and the same goes to republicans. A person has the right to disagree with certain topics because that is how progress is made. I hate how the current system struggles to come to an agreement because politicians are so close-minded. If they would open their minds and be willing to agree with the opposing forces statements, this whole process would be a lot easier. I compared this to Christianity because many Christians believe that in order to be a good Christian they have to follow the exact words of the bible. This isn't true at all. One example that sticks out a lot to me is the fact that the bible states that being gay is wrong. Obviously those are not the exact words, but that's the basic meaning. I strongly disagree with this statement, although I still consider myself a strong Christian. Hopefully people can start to be more open-minded.  


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